Call for Abstracts - Global Health Education Ireland

Call for Abstracts

In 2018 the Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies established a Global Health Strategic Working Group.  This unprecedented initiative brings all the medical training bodies together with a shared vision and ambition to improve healthcare and health education globally. The group will launch its initiative as ‘Global Health Education Ireland’ on the 25th October 2019, at a Symposium in the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland.

The symposium will examine key challenges facing health workforce development in low and middle income countries. In addition, the symposium will also address how to incorporate sustainable solutions in medical education and training both overseas and in Ireland.

As part of the conference, there will be a poster presentation session for Trainees of all medical specialities. We are inviting the submission of Abstracts from trainees who wish to share their experiences of work and education in global health. A prize will be awarded for the best poster presentation. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. There will be no registration fee for the conference.

Closing date for applications is September 6th. Submissions should be sent to Denise Johnston at

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22nd July 2019