SOE Congress 2015, Vienna
European Society of Ophthalmology in conjunction with the AAO and APAO
6th - 9th June, 2015
Submit an abstract now! Deadline – 28 January 2015
With only a few days remaining before the abstract submission deadline, we encourage you to take the opportunity to submit an abstract for the upcoming SOE 2015 Congress in Vienna.
Please forward this electronic flyer to your fellow colleagues and students and to anyone who may benefit from contributing to the SOE 2015 Congress. YO’s submitting an abstract may also be eligible for the EJO travel grant, click here for further details.
We hope you will join us at the next SOE Congress, which will be a dynamic Congress offering exciting scientific and networking interaction with Ophthalmologists from all over the world.
Don't miss your chance to contribute to the upcoming Congress!
22nd January 2015