Diabetic RetinaScreen - The National Diabetic Retinal Screening Programme

Diabetic RetinaScreen is the National Diabetic Retinal Screening Programme. It is a government-funded screening programme that offers free, regular diabetic retinopathy screening to people with diabetes aged 12 years and older.

Diabetic RetinaScreen uses specialised digital photography to look for changes that could affect sight. Individuals in Ireland who have been diagnosed with diabetes should be on the register for screening. If your patient has diabetes and would like to check if they are on our register, a Freephone 1800 45 45 55 can be called and choose option 1. If the programme has been informed they were diagnosed with diabetes, the patient will be invited by letter to attend for screening. When the patient gets the letter, they must call the freephone number.

Further information on the screening programme is available at http://www.diabeticretinascreen.ie/

The following links are to talks given by Mr David Keegan, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and National Clinical Lead for Diabetic Retinopathy and Mr Rob Acheson, Clinical Lead at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and Mater Private Hospital in relation to Diabetic Retinopathy and the National Diabetic Retina Screen Programme.

