Ms Patricia (Pat) Logan
- Details
- FRCSI, FRC oph
- Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Mater Private (office hours Tuesday's only). Hoyt fellowship Neuro Ophthalmology San Francisco 1985. Senior Registar training at Bristol Eye Hospital, United Kingdom. Past member of training committee of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists United Kingdom. Past Treasurer of the ICO. Past member I.S.P.T.C. Organiser of the Neuro Ophthalmology Course at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9. Member of vision panel in Dept of Traffic Medicine RCPI . Member of Vision panel DVLA UK. Past President of Irish College of Ophthalmologists.
- Sub-Specialty Interests
- General Ophthalmology
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Uveitis & Cornea
- Private Rooms #1
Eye Centre,
Level 5, Mater Private Hospital,
Eccles Street,
Dublin 7
Tel: 018858622 (Tuesday's only)
Email: plogan@materprivate.ie