Mr Frank Kinsella
- Details
- Senior Ophthalmic Surgeon in University College Hospital, Galway where i have worked since 1993, and am Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology in the National University of Ireland, Glaway. prior to this i spent a number of years training in general medicine before starting my career in ophthalmic surgery in the Royal Victoria Eye & Ear HOSppital, Dublin. Subsequently I worked in Glasgow where I developed a special interest in ocualr oncology followed by a period in the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff where I had extensive exposure to lacrimal and anterior segment surgery. This was followed by a fellowship in retinal surgery in the Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, and finally a fellowship in vitreo-retinal surgery in Moorefields Eye Hospital, London.
- http://westernlaserclinic.ie
- Sub-Specialty Interests
- Adult Strabismus
- Anterior Segment
- Cataract
- Cataract Surgery
- Community Ophthalmologist
- Corneal Disease
- Glaucoma
- Lacrimal Surgery
- Laser Refractive Surgery
- Medical Retina
- Surgical Retina
- Uveitis
- Uveitis & Cornea
- Public Clinic #1
Suite 14, The Galway Clinic,
Galway. (location map)
Tel: 091 720070
Fax: 091 720071
Web: http://www.hse.ie/eng/services/find_a_service/hospscancer/Galway_University_Hospitals/
Email: frank.kinsella@galwayclinic.com
Days: 8am to 6pm - Private Rooms #1
The Western Laser Clinic
Doughiska, Galway.
Tel: 091 720070
Fax: 091 720071
Web: http://westernlaserclinic.ie
Email: frank.kinsella@galwayclinic.com
Days: 8.00 am - 6.00pm