4th Annual Peter Eustace Meeting - Low Vision Conference
27 October 2017
Living with sight loss and conquering blindness: innovations in low vision assistance in Ireland
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin
Guest lecturers
- Ms. Guiliana Silvestri will give the Peter Eustace Lecture on surgical low vision devices
- Prof David Crabb from University of London will give a talk on simulation of the experience of patients with visual field defects with Glaucoma and Macular degeneration.
- Mr Donal McErlean from General Motors Automated Driving Division will provide an oversight on the upcoming era of automated driving and what this will mean for our patients.
- Other talks will cover the full range of low vision interventions and assistance that our patients use daily or wish to use in managing their visual impairment and optimising their work and leisure activity
To register, please contact Anne Carter acarter@mater.ie