Glaukos Virtual Meeting - Trabecular Micro-Bypass
25 March 2021
Trabecular Micro-bypass for the Treatment of Glaucoma
iStent by Glaukos is the pioneering MIGS technology indicated for use in mild-moderate glaucoma and is generally implanted in combination with a cataract procedure – usually taking around five additional minutes theatre time at the end of a cataract case.
There is now a strong evidence base for iStent of 185 articles in peer reviewed journals over 10 years. This data highlights that iStent delivers sustained IOP reductions and reduced medication requirements, allowing for an improvement in ocular surface health with a safety profile equivalent to stand alone cataract surgery.
Approval for iStent procedures was granted last year by the Healthcare Insurers in the Republic of Ireland (Procedural codes: VHI - 2809, LAYA - 2550 & Irish Life - 266835).
Glaukos is hosting a webinar on iStent inject W for trabecular micro-bypass on Thursday 25th March at 19:00.
This will be led by Mr Edward Dervan, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, who has been implanting iStent since 2017.
For enquiries or to register please contact Conor Lavery / 087 280 1301
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