ICO Virtual Meeting
25 June 2021
COVID Recovery - Learning and Emerging Stronger. Preparing for and shaping the "new normal"
End of Term Extended ICO Virtual Discussion Group
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Chair: Mr. Richard Comer Bon Secours Hospital, Galway
Co-Chair: Mr. John Doris University Hospital Waterford
2.00pm COVID-19 Ophthalmology Focus Panel Discussion
The 5 R’s: Reflect, Recommit, Re-Engage, Rethink, Reboot
Prof. David Keegan Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and Clinical Director, Diabetic Retina Screen
Mr. Arthur Cummings Wellington Eye Clinic and Beacon Hospital
Dr. Michele Fenton Medical Ophthalmologist, HSE (Wexford)
Group Discussion
3.15pm Coffee Break
3.25pm Public Health Discussion
Telemedicine during the Pandemic - a Sceptics Guide
Dr. Ronan Kavanagh Consultant Rheumatologist, Galway Clinic and Honorary Senior Lecturer NUIG
3.50pm Announcement of the ICO/Novartis Eye Research Bursary Recipient 2021
Dr Sarah Kate Powell
Research Aim: To Investigate the Pathogenic Role of Tissue Stiffness in Lamina Cribrosa Fibrosis in Glaucoma: Treatment with Integrin Inhibition.
4pm Closing address from Dr. Patricia Quinlan