ICO Winter Meeting, RAMI WInter Meeting, Montgomery Lecture
24 November 2017
ICO Winter Meeting
Venue: Chartered Accountants House, 47, Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Time: 10am
The Irish College of Ophthalmologists will hold their winter meeting on the morning on November 24th. The RAMI meeting will follow on the same day and venue after lunch.
The clinical session at this year’s ICO Winter Meeting looks at ‘Skin to Disc’ linking dermatology, the ocular surface and glaucoma.
Prof Frank Powell, Consultant Dermatologist at the Mater Hospital and the Charles Institute of Dermatology in UCD will talk about new developments in acne rosacea. Prof Powell will be followed by Prof.Billy Power who will discuss rosacea and other skin conditions that have conjunctival and corneal effect. Miss Aoife Doyle will talk on the management of glaucoma in the context of those challenges.
We will also hear from Niall Sinnott, HSE Assistant National Director in Information Technology and Gregory Johnson, HSE Programme Lead for e-referrals with regard to the roll out of a robust IT system and electronic patient record (EPR) to support integration of community and hospital care. Gerry Kelliher, statistician with the National Surgery Programme will talk about the data that is currently collected by the HSE and how that data influences decision making.
Download ICO Winter Meeting Programme
RAMI Meeting
The Section of Ophthalmology of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland are holding their Winter meeting on Friday 24th November 2017 in the Chartered Accountants House, 47, Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Closing date for abstracts Friday 3rd November 2017 by 3:00pm Call for abstracts will go out in September.
If you are selected to present you must be a member of RAMI, join online at Membership Application
Montgomery Lecture 2017
The 2017 Montgomery Lecture, held by ICO will be delivered by Professor Michael O Keeffe at 6pm on November 24th in the nearby Trinity Biomedical Science Institute (across the road from the Chartered Accountants House / accessed on Pearse Street - No 152 - 160 ).
The title of Prof. O'Keeffe's lecture is 'The Evolution of Paediatric Cataract Surgery'.
The ICO has funding available to cover the registration cost for any trainee of NCHD that presents at RAMI