Professor George Spaeth Glaucoma Lecture for ICO Trainees

23 September 2015


Education Centre, Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital

Time: 6.30pm

Professor George Spaeth, the world renowned Glaucoma Specialist, will be visiting Ireland in September to give a special series of lectures on glaucoma and patient care.  He will present one of his lectures as part of the National Postgraduate Training Program on Thursday, 24th September, and this will video-conferenced to all Units. 

However, in advance of that Professor Spaeth of the Esposito Research Professor at Wills Eye Surgery Center, Philadelphia, has kindly offered to hold a special Glaucoma session in the Education Centre of RVEEH at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 23rd September. This is especially directed at trainees on the National Training Program.  

We strongly encourage all trainees, both BST and HST to make every attempt to attend this teaching session as George Spaeth is one of the leading glaucoma specialists in the world and he offers a unique insight into glaucoma care. This event will not be video linked to the training units.

Food will be served in advance at 6:00pm.