New Frontiers Research Meeting - ''Glaucoma''

20 June 2024

The Research Foundation at the Royal Victoria Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin will host the annual New Frontiers in Ophthalmology Meeting on Thursday, 20th June 2024

Venue: Education and Conference Centre, RVEEH, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2

The subject matter for the meeting will be 'Glaucoma' and will be chaired by Mr Jeremy O'Connor, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon.

Guest Speakers:  

Prof Colm O’Brien
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin

Prof Keith Martin
CERA, & Melbourne University Australia

Miss Yvonne Delaney
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin

Mr Edward Dervan 
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin

Mr Jeremy O'Connor 
Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Dublin

Eithne Walls Research Meeting

The afternoon will be devoted to the Eithne Walls Research Meeting, at which NCHDs from The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital will present their latest research in competition for the Eithne Walls Medal, the Aongus Curran Medal, and the Research Foundation Clinical Prize.
CME points will be awarded for these meetings and lunch will be provided.

Please confirm your attendance by contacting Ceri O’Hagan at The Research Foundation on 01-6343630/39 or by Thursday 6th June 2024.