Joint Irish & UKISCRS Refractive Surgery Meeting
2 December 2016
The Gibson Hotel, Dublin
Registration 8am - 8.45am
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Position of Fellowship available in Paediatric and Refractive Ophthalmology under the direction of Professor Michael O'Keeffe, commencing 1st January 2017. Details here
0900-0920 Capsulotomy, Past, Present & Future
Richard Packard
0920-0940 Multifocals
Rizwana Khan
0940-1000 Epithelial remodelling
Samer Hamada
1000-1020 Logistics and ergonomics with mobile Femtosecond laser for cataract surgery
Mayank Nanavaty
1020-1045 COFFEE
1045-1105 'Little Surgical e-LfHs'
Philip Bloom
1105-1125 COMET/MEET for Stem Cell Deficiency
Samer Hamada
1125-11.45 In the bag IOL fixation in the presence of a PC tear
Brian Little
1145 Introduction to Tom Casey Memorial Lecture Michael O’Keeffe
1150-1230 Tom Casey Memorial Lecture
Corneal transplantation in 2016: changing trends and impact of surgeon learning on outcomes
Frank Larkin
1230-1330 LUNCH
1330-1410 Dermot Pierse Memorial Lecture
IOL Exchange: Why, When and Where
Brian Little
1410-1430 Small Aperture IOL - A new option for treating Presbyopia
Sathish Srinivasan
1430-1450 Use of the Femtosecond laser for complex corneal and anterior segment surgery
Sheraz Daya
1450-1510 Cross Linking for Corneal Ectasia
Dr Muhammad Yasir Arfat
1600-1630 Summary, questions and close