Santen (SEE): VKC through the patients eyes

18 March 2021

Santen (SEE): VKC through the patients eyes: an immersive learning experience

Time: 18:30-19:30 GMT 

This webinar is aimed at any member of the healthcare team working in a paediatric ophthalmology service or supporting patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). Using an innovative immersive learning format Mr Abdul-Jabbar Ghauri will explore VKC from the patient and parent perspective and use role play to demonstrate some key principles of effective communication. He will also discuss the treatment stepladder for VKC and share details of a forthcoming UK consensus paper on VKC management in the UK.

CPD accreditation will be applied for.

18:30 Introduction Fiona Spencer, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

18:35 VKC through the patient’s eyes: Abdul-Jabbar Ghauri, Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre

19:15 Questions from the audience:  Abdul-Jabbar Ghauri and Fiona Spencer

19:25 Chair’s summary and close: Fiona Spencer, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

Registration link

This meeting is organised and funded by Santen and will contain promotional information.