ICO Winter Meeting & Annual Montgomery Lecture 2020-Webinar
11 December 2020
ICO Winter Meeting Webinar
Time: 2pm - 3.30pm
Panel Discussion on COVID-19 Learnings
A panel of six ophthalmologists from across different working environments will give their perspective on the issues experienced during the COVID-19 crisis.
A group discussion will follow, with audience participation invited via the webinar chat facility.
The session will be chaired by Richard Comer.
Annual Montgomery Lecture 2020
Time: 3.30 - 4.30pm
'Adjusting to COVID-19 in 2020 and Beyond - Development in Home Monitoring including Fluid Quantification in AMD'
Prof Anat Loewenstein, MD
Full Professor of Ophthalmology, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Sidney Fox Chair of Ophthalmology at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University, and the Chairman of the Division of Ophthalmology at the Tel Aviv Medical Center.
Prof Loewenstein's main field of interest is development of multiple innovative efforts. She was the leader behind the development of novel technology for early detection of macular degeneration, as well as recently, home OCT and the development of automated technology for detection of retinal disease activity and the development of augmented virtual reality to replace the operating microscope.
Prof Loewenstein has published more than 380 papers in peer reviewed journals, and contributed multiple chapters to ophthalmology textbooks. She has multiple roles in the most prominent retina societies, serves on the International committee of the macula society and is currently the General Secretary of the Euretina.
She is the Editor in Chief of the Journal Case Reports in Ophthalmology, and an associate editor of the European Journal of Ophthalmology and of Ophthalmologica.
In Israel, Prof Loewenstein served as the Chairman of the Israeli Board of Ophthalmology, and currently serves as the chair of the Ministry of Health's ethics committee and is a member of the National Council of Surgery and anesthesia.
She has received multiple international awards, including the “Rosenthal” Award, and the Patz Medal of the Macula Society, as well as the Michelson Award of the Macula Society, and the Silver Fellow Medal of ARVO.