ICO Winter Meeting
11 December 2015
'Minimising the Risk of Malpractice Litigation'
College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, 22 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
The ICO is delighted to announce our first Winter Meeting which will focus on minimising malpractice risk with a range of speakers from across the health and legal sectors.
Guest speakers:
Ms Angela Tysell, HSE Lead for Open Disclosure
Mr Asim Sheikh, Barrister at Law
Professor Freddie Wood, President, Irish Medical Council
View programme here
8.45am Business Case Preparation Workshop - “At first I was blind but now I can see”
Mr John Doris, Consultant Surgeon at University Hospital Waterford.
This one-hour workshop will open with tips on how to productively negotiate and how to write a business case within the context of the Irish health service.
Annual appraisals for Higher Surgical Trainees are being scheduled to run concurrently with the ICO Winter meeting and will take place in the College of Anaesthetists also that morning.
9.45am NCBI Services –
Gerard Byrne, NCBI Regional Manager with responsibility for services in south and west Dublin.
Overview from NCBI on the services it provides to patients who are vision impaired to maximise their functional vision.
10.00am Coffee
10.15am Minimising Malpractice Risk
ICO President's Opening Address: Mr William Power,
The Winter Meeting will include a symposium on minimising malpractice risk and providing practical guidance on the correct process of obtaining patient consent, practicing a policy of open disclosure and how to avoid subsequent difficulties or challenges
Contributions from Professor Freddie Wood, President of the Irish Medical Council, Angela Tysall, HSE Lead for Open Disclosure and Asim Shiekh, Barrister at Law.
Chair: Pat McGettrick
Dr Patricia Quinlan, Chair ICO Ethics & Standards Committee
ICO and Informed Consent - informing patients, protecting doctors
Prof A.E. (Freddie) Wood, President , Medical Council Ireland
“Balancing the Risks and Challenges in Medicine”
Angela Tysall, HSE Lead for Open Disclosure
“What is Open Disclosure process and how it will work in practice”
Asim A Sheikh, Barrister-at-Law
“Practical advice on the consent process"
12.15 pm Lunch
ICO Council Meeting
1.30pm Royal Academy of Medicine Ophthalmic Section Winter Meeting
6.00pm Pre-Montgomery Reception - RCSI
6.30pm Montgomery Lecture - Prof Marie-Jose Tassignon, RCSI
Professor and Head of Ophthalmology Department, University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium
Lecture title "One design with multiple derivations"
Cheyne Theartre, RCSI
RAMI Section of Ophthalmology Winter meeting, Friday 11th December 2015,
Closing date Thursday 19th November 2015 by 3pm
The winter meeting of the RAMI Section of Ophthalmology takes place on Friday 11th December 2015 in the Irish College of Anaesthetists, 22, Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Time: 13.00pm – 17:30pm approx
Submit your abstract now http://rami.ie/?q=node/493
A programme will be circulated once the abstracts have been selected. Register at http://rami.ie/?q=node/202