7th Annual Adare Retinal Meeting

1 October 2015


Adare Manor Golf Club, Adare, Co. Limerick

Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Meeting co-ordinator - Miss Marie Hickey-Dwyer

Download flyer here  

The recipient of the 2015-16 ICO/Novartis Research Bursary will be annoucned during the meeting. Please confirm by email to siobhan.kelly@eyedoctors.ie  if you wish to attend.


1. Uveitis

2. Vitreo-Retinal Surgery for Non-retinal Specialists

3. OCT Angiography

4. Age-Related Macular Degeneration

5. Case Studies


Guest Lectures

• Ms. Giuliana Silvestri, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon,

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.

Telescopes in Age Related Macular Degeneration

• Mr. Michael Williams, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon,

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.

Macular Odema in Retinal Vein Occlusions


Teaching Faculty

Mr. Robert Acheson, Professor Philip Cleary, Miss Marie Hickey Dwyer,

Mr. Frank Kinsella, Ms. Guiliana Silvestri, Ms. Deirdre Townley, Mr. Michael Williams


To register:

Rachel Frawley, University Hospital Limerick at (061) 482710, rachel.frawley@hse.ie

Siobhán Kelly, Irish College of Ophthalmologists at (01) 4022777, siobhan.kelly@eyedoctors.ie

Registration from 9.00a.m.

Registration Fee:

Consultants 55.00

Community Ophthalmologists 45.00

Trainees - No Fees